
Top 10 News of Jinhui Mining in 2022
addtime:2023-01-12 view:

01: The first in Gansu in 5 years||JinHui Inc successfully landed on the main board of the Shanghai Stock Exchange

On February 22, 2022, JinHui Mining Incorporation Limited successfully landed on the main board of the Shanghai Stock Exchange (stock code: 603132), which is the first enterprise in the province to be successfully listed on the main board of the Shanghai Stock Exchange in the past five years. The successful listing of JinHui Inc not only highlights the comprehensive strength of being a national green mine, but also opens up an important milestone for the company to rely on its own advantages, base itself on the province, go to the whole country, and enter a new stage of high-quality development of the mining economy.



02: The founder of the first green mine in China||Mr. Li Ming, the actual controller of JinHui Inc.

At the 5th National Green Mining Development Conference, Mr. Li Ming, the actual controller of JinHui Inc, won the honorary title of "Founder of the First National Green Mine", which is the highest honor of the Green Mine Award Office of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China and the only one in the country. Mr. Li Ming has always set a benchmark, provided a model and made outstanding contributions to the green and high-quality development of the mining economy with his advanced concept, high entrepreneurial spirit and sense of social responsibility in promoting the high-quality development of the mining industry, guided by advanced concepts, people-oriented, ecological environmental protection and social responsibility.


03: JinHui Inc has become a national lead and zinc industry standard enterprise

In April, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology released the second batch of enterprises in the country that meet the industry standard conditions of "copper, aluminum, lead and zinc, magnesium", and JinHui Inc, as the only one in the province, successfully listed on the list, and only 4 lead and zinc mines won this award. The standardized management of the lead and zinc industry aims to further accelerate the transformation and upgrading of the lead and zinc industry, promote the technological progress of the lead and zinc industry, improve the comprehensive utilization rate of resources and the level of energy conservation and environmental protection, and promote the high-quality development of the lead and zinc industry.


04: JinHui Inc passed the national high-tech enterprise certification again

In November, the Office of the National Leading Group for the Identification and Management of High-tech Enterprises announced the first batch of high-tech enterprises recognized in 2022, and JinHui Inc once again passed the high-tech enterprise certification. JinHui Inc regards scientific and technological innovation as the driving force for the sustainable development of enterprises, continuously increases the construction of technological innovation platform, strengthens collaborative innovation of production, education and research and the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and provides solid technical support for the high-quality development of enterprises.



05: The Nonferrous Metals Professional Center of Physical Geological Data of the Ministry of Natural Resources settled in JinHui Shares

In February, the Ministry of Natural Resources established the "Nonferrous Metals Professional Center of Qinling Dabie Mineralization Province" in JinHui Inc, which is an important innovation of the Ministry of Natural Resources to accelerate the working mechanism of physical geological data, and is of great significance for further improving the storage capacity and development and utilization level of physical geological data.



06: Polish the green mine brand||The National Industrial Tourism Demonstration Base flowers fell into the golden emblem

In November, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism announced the list of national industrial tourism demonstration bases, and JinHui Mining Tourism Scenic Area was successfully listed. JinHui insists on building mines as scenic spots, and the green mines built at one time have changed people's understanding of mining enterprises and established a new image of contemporary mining. People's Daily, People's Daily, Central Radio Network, Xinhuanet, Phoenix Net, China Economic Weekly, China Youth Daily, China Tourism Daily and other media have entered JinHui Inc, interviewing JinHui stories from all angles and publicizing the JinHui brand.



07: The enterprise honor is fruitful

The Province's Advanced Enterprise Outstanding Contribution Award, the Province's Top 50 Private Enterprises in 2022, the Governor's Financial Award, the Province's Advanced Enterprise in Industry and Informatization, the Province's Harmonious Labor Relations Enterprise, the Gansu Province May Day Labor Award and other provincial and ministerial honors fell into the golden emblem. The acquisition of these honors is not only an encouragement to the enterprise, but also a high recognition and full affirmation of the company's production and operation, scientific and technological innovation, safety and environmental protection, labor relations and other work.




08: The High-quality Development of Mining Economy and Green Mine Construction Promotion Conference was held in JinHui Shares

The city's mining economy high-quality development and green mine construction promotion meeting was held in JinHui Shares. Liu Yongge, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and mayor, pointed out that the meeting was arranged to be held in JinHui Shares, which is to require the mining enterprises in the city to learn from the experience of JinHui Shares, learn from each other, learn from each other's strengths, seize development opportunities, innovate and develop together, and emerge more outstanding industrial and mining enterprises, making greater contributions to the strengthening of Longnan's industrial city and the revitalization of mining.


09: Green Mine Outstanding Contribution Individual Award, Outstanding Entrepreneur of the Province‖ Liu Yong, Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman and General Manager of JinHui Co., Ltd

The "Green Mine Science and Technology Award" is a social force award specifically for green mine construction approved by the National Awards Office of the Ministry of Science and Technology. "Excellent Entrepreneurs in the Province" aims to set up examples, commend advanced, further mobilize the enthusiasm and creativity of enterprises and entrepreneurs, and stimulate the vitality of enterprise innovation. After winning the award, Liu Yong said that JinHui Inc will continue to practice the concept of green ecological development, cherish the honor, make persistent efforts, and rely on resource advantages, technical advantages, management advantages and comprehensive advantages, and forge ahead with vigor and perseverance.

10: Party-enterprise integration ‖ red engine leads green development

The party committee of JinHui Inc adheres to Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the guideline, focuses on the main theme of green and high-quality development, and has successively carried out party building knowledge competitions, safety knowledge lecture halls, ecological environment knowledge competitions, employee sports meetings, red songs I sing and other celebrations, to welcome the victorious convocation of the 20th National Congress of the Party, organize all party members to watch and listen to the report of the 20th National Congress in a concentrated manner, carry out party class publicity, experience exchange and other learning activities, deeply implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress, and spread the party's voice throughout the workshop and team. It condenses the fighting fortress of the party organization and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members into the strongest voice for the high-quality development of the mining industry.


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